This chapter raises the question: neurocoaching - neurosubstance or neuromyth? Its answer depends on beliefs about the utility of the scientific paradigm when it comes to understanding human behaviour.

It argues that there are many umpteen reasons to question whether the “science” of human behaviour reveals meaningful “truths”. Why is this happening now? The chapter argues that when anything human is stripped bare of context, then sliced and diced so as to be amenable to controlled experimentation, it becomes less human. Instead, it risks becoming little more than a projection of the collective belief systems of all those doing the analysing, reviewing, publishing and sharing. Replication crises, WEIRD science, voodoo correlations - all these are teaching psychology, and coaching, painful lessons. The conclusion is that the future lies in post-materialist science. A final conclusion is that anything labelled “neuro” needs serious examination before its accepted or used.