By publishing in the feminist presses, by speaking in women's bookstores and to feminist audiences, the writers are placing themselves firmly within the context of the feminist movement. The subjugation of black people allowed them to vacate their despised position and assume the role of superior. Consequently it can be argued that even though white men institutionalized slavery, white women were its most immediate beneficiaries. In a chapter entitled "The Imperialism of Patriarchy," hooks examines social and political relations between black women and white men. There were a number of areas in hooks's book that could be challenged. For example, she criticizes the attempt of white women to draw analogies between their condition as women and the condition of black people. Hooks's heterosexual bias is really inexcusable considering how smart she is and how well read in feminism. She never mentions the existence of black lesbians, and she closets Audre Lorde as "a Black woman poet."