Tine Thygesen (Denmark) is CEO of Mesh, Founders House, and Startup Village, and is on a mission to build superior physical locations and networks to empower creators, entrepreneurs, and change-makers. She has started and led five companies and has been named among the Top 10 Speakers on Tech in Europe. Culture is one aspect where it should be easy for startups to compete with big corporations. Because startups are small and young, they can be innovative, flexible, fast moving, and fun. They can be more grounded in their values and be better at selecting people with the same worldview. A place where we smile when we go to work in the morning because we know we will go home smarter is startup culture at its best. Three cornerstones to building a great startup culture are: the founders and execs must see themselves as “first among equals”; delegate responsibility, not just tasks; and provide a clear mission.