Hampus Jakobsson (Sweden) has invested in more than 60 companies. He is the co-founder of The Astonishing Tribe (TAT). He co-founded and is currently running The Ground and Nordic Makers. He never expected to be an entrepreneur. His first business, the mobile user interface (UI) company TAT, was set up by six friends who wanted to work with something we loved and learn from our own mistakes rather than from others’. When he started his second business, he wanted more than financial success; it had to mean something to him. He believes that an entrepreneur’s true purpose is to try, learn, and experiment rather than follow more conventional ways of achieving success. Therefore, there is more room for failure, which is why in his eyes there are only four ways one can really fail as an entrepreneur. They are: Complete and utter personal bankruptcy; Emotional/relational bankruptcy; Not trying hard enough; and Being an asshole.