Theis Sondergaard (Denmark) is co-founder of Vivino—the world’s most used wine app. He had been an entrepreneur since 2002, when he co-founded the software company BullGuard. The following is a piece of really bad advice. If we follow it, there’s a large risk that we will be cheated, deceived, run over, and on the whole look like an idiot. So if we nevertheless had taken the chance and thrown ourself into a new adventure, we may just as well place all our jetons on red and follow his advice: Trust everyone. But trust works both ways; when we display trust, our partner’s trust in us also grows, as does the wish to work closely together. If one's business is an engine, trust is the oil, the lubricant one need to keep it running. Everything works more quickly when we display trust, and speed is decisive when we are an entrepreneur.