Pascal Finette heads up the Startup Program at Singularity University, where he grows startups tackling the world's most intractable problems leveraging exponential technologies. He has previously started a number of technology companies and used to work as head of eBay's Platform Solutions Group in Europe and created Mozilla's accelerator program WebFWD. Driven by the exponentially accelerating rate of technological progress people now have supercomputers in their pockets, can access the world's information at one's fingertips, can sequence genes in one's kitchen labs, and 3D print prototypes on one's desktops. The remarkable thing about Nithya's solution is that her device is incredible simple: by leveraging a readily available exponential technology-a cheap, $30, Chinese-manufactured Android smartphone combined with a tiny bit of simple, custom hardware, a temperature sensor, and a bit of software-Nithya's team have built the most successful intervention in the field today. "Work is love made visible.