Franz Liszt himself was caught by the general air of fraternity, and pledged "Bruderschaft" with Hans in kirschwasser. Most probably at Eisenach just after Richard Wagner's flight from Dresden, since one of the artist's letters to Liszt of June'49 suggests the Duke as a likely person to appeal to for pecuniary support in conjunction with the Grand Duchess of Weimar and her daughter the Princess of Prussia. In the Otto Wesendonk household, on the contrary, Wagner was regarded with a certain awe at present, rather as a transcendental kind of teacher, if we may judge by the recollections of Frau Mathilde. From Frankfort Liszt makes a flying trip to Wiesbaden, where he had hoped to hear Lohengrin on the 14th, but is disappointed again "through indisposition of the Ortrud." Wagner indeed knew how to inspire the bandsmen by his guidance.