On the last day of August, 1993, Qimron signed the form TX of the United States Patent Office at the office of Attorney Zachary Grayson of the Wolf, Block, Schorr and Solis-Cohen Law firm in Philadelphia, thereby claiming his copyright on the original work he did. In his copyright registration, Qimron advanced the crux of his claim for originality and exclusive authorship, which cannot be violated. Anyone with a rudimentary training in academe understands that it is permissible to cite from the work of other scholars, provided the citation is limited to reasonable passages that suffice to illustrate certain points of argument, and that full credit, annotation, and reference are added to indicate that the writer owes an intellectual debt to the source he quotes. At the height of the trial in February 1993, the Israeli and American press reflected the moods in both countries and often took sides.