"The European Conference on Theory of Action: Reasons for Action and Praxiology—Broadening the Borders" held in Poznan in 2013 is a good opportunity for a new reading of different ideas for studying generally human, but not only, action theory formulated under the umbrella of praxiology. This chapter reviews some of the aforementioned approaches for the sake of theory. It presents the place of praxiology in the structure of scientific disciplines. The chapter discusses the aspects according to which praxiological research is conducted as well as the methodology of such research, including the activity of human beings and other living organisms, efficacy, theoretical and methodological foundations, organization, design, and decision-making. Praxiology dealing with the activity of humans and other living organisms is theory of action, also and biopraxiology. Praxiology is placed between logic and ethics, providing an epistemological foundation for Donald A. Schon's concept of the "reflective practitioner" and pointing to the axiological context of human activity.