The double ethnic name, Praxiphanes of Mytilene, shows that Praxiphanes, born in Mytilene, was called 'of Rhodes', because he lived and flourished there with his activities for a long time. To find sources concerning Praxiphanes, the author draws on the information gathered by previous editors and reviews the sources independently, which has enabled her to link Praxiphanes with a few new textual passages, some of which, although they have already been studied by earlier scholars, for some reasons have been omitted by the editors. The name of a Praxiphanes as eponymous archon of Rhodes is printed on two amphora stamps of the Ptolemaic age, found at Alexandria. One of the two stamps adds "in the month of Agrianios." Neroutsos published the collection of amphora stamps of the Greek antiquarian Johannes Demetrios in 1874.