The texts printed are based on previous editions of the authors citing Chamaeleon. Since the majority of texts relating literary criticism and biography include quotations of poets, in these cases the poetic text is presented by the last edition in use, even if the text included in the main edition shows some differences and the critical apparatus contains the emendations on the text. The papyrus fragment from Oxyrhynchus reports the notice, ascribed to Chamaeleon, that Stesichorus wrote not one but two palinodes to his Helena. Chamaeleon's fragment is extracted from a long section of The Sophists at Dinner dedicated to riddles. Athenaeus compiled it by from various sources, such as the Peripatetic Clearchus of Soloi and Hermippus of Smyrna. The attribution of this passage to Chamaeleon is based on analogy with the theme preceding it in Athenaeus, who recalls the Pythian oracle that ordered drinking wine, almost like a drug.