There was a convergence between literature as a source of information and literature as the object of exegesis and commentaries: the link between erudite documentation and text interpretation was profound and left a fertile training in work and method. The attitude of Aristotle and of the first generations of intellectuals in the Peripatos marked a genuine novelty within the Greek cultural framework between the 4th and 3rd century BCE. The surge of interest in literature sprang from the importance attributed by Aristotle to poetic-literary creation as a sphere of human activity. Aristotle had given an exemplary synopsis of the poem's main plot in his Poetics, indicating that it reached its goal with the suitors' death and the rest consisted merely of episodes. Aristotle had given an exemplary synopsis of the poem's main plot in his Poetics, indicating that it reached its goal with the suitors' death and the rest consisted merely of episodes.