Writing under the pen name Lou Tafler, Professor of Philosophy Louis Marinoff of The City College of New York has produced a finely written, sobering political satire, Fair New World, which also makes a great read. In it are sketched three dystopias: Feminania, Bruteland, and Melior. Feminania is dominated by the Femininnies, who are caricatures of today's radical feminists and who speak the ridiculous but hilarious Fairspeak. Readers will recognize in Feminania both stereotypical femininity and stereotypical feminism. The justice system makes a mockery of due process as Justesses dispense "fairness" to womben who have rights and men who have lefts in Halls of Fairness. Some of the most pathetic aspects of the Femininnies come through in the unmet yearnings evident in the selections from the wombenus and one of the most hilarious passages in the book occurs when FemiSoft is accused of virtual gendhercrime.