This chapter identifies the goals of the people who founded and ran the advice centers and thereby participated in the production of Foucault’s bio-power. It focuses on the Eheberatungsstellen, for they aimed directly at human procreation and are, therefore, comparable to other sexual advice centers. Moreover, it seeks to uncover the tenets inspiring their endeavors, their aims, and their goals. Information on sexuality, especially on how to prevent unwanted pregnancies, had circulated in society before the 1920s. Coming to the significant characteristics of the Frauenschutz-Beratungsstellen and their activists, it is important to note that they maintained their independence of political parties—which was unusual within Austrian political culture. School medical services, advice centers, and clinics for people with tuberculosis or sexually transmitted deceases were established. The separation of sexual activity from procreation, which was strictly rejected by Catholic ethics, opened up new space for individuals.