This chapter looks at patterns, common themes, similar experiences, and perceptions in regard to the possibilities and limits of sport as a contributor to reconciliation in unstable socio-political situations. Sports are used as a tool for reconciliation in regions of conflict. The chapter examines that how sport projects could be utilized as an integral part of a peacebuilding process. It also examines the following research question: How can and does sport play a role in building peace? The chapter refers to formalized programs using sports as a main vehicle to promote the end of the conflict, defuse tension, bring rival communities together, maintain a nonviolent system of dealing with conflict and promote coexistence between conflicting groups and positive peace. Regarding the potential of sports in peacebuilding, all study participants explained that by its nature, sports, and especially team sports, helps develop certain skills. The chapter demonstrates that sports have developed a role in reconciling formerly antagonistic groups.