Leo Stein spent most of his life in Europe. He was an early patron of many of the painters who became the masters of modern art, including Picasso and Matisse, although he was intolerant of Picasso's later work. There is a question asked of how do the intellectuals fail. First, one must define the intellectual. In general one may say he is a man of superior intelligence debauched by a false education. So one must define a right education. A right education is one that progressively enlightens and integrates. No one pretends that all philosophies are no more than symbolic expressions of ineffable truths. Their reason for being is that they are logically adequate and genuinely explicatory. The treason of the intellectual lies in this: that he is grotesquely credulous, while pretending to be discriminatory and critical. He takes himself for granted, an extravagant assumption. In philosophy, as in religion, the situation is to an unprejudiced observer, grotesque, even comic.