The Fulbright Act, also known as Public Law 584—79th Congress, is one of the most extensive of the programs which provide opportunities for foreign study, lecturing, and research. To enable psychologists better to utilize the advantages of this program for pursuit of their interests in Austria and Germany, traditional meccas for psychological hegiras, the writer, while on a Fulbright Research Grant to the University of Vienna for 1952-1953, collected information from visits. A questionnaire sent to universities in Austria and West Germany concerning several questions as Psychological personnel and their fields of specialization for instruction and research, Special training facilities, such as in clinical, for the pursuit of an applied specialty. The psychology department, or Psychologisches Institute as it is generally known, is usually related more closely to philosophy department than in the United States, with corresponding expectation that students acquire background in such areas as theory of knowledge, logic, epistomology, Philosophy as minor is often obligatory.