The Communist Workers Party's (CWP) tactics were based on its belief that the route to a Communist revolution was through armed confrontations with the Klan that would build up the CWP's prestige and eventually lead to armed insurrection. The CWP has renamed itself the New Democratic Movement, recognizing that Americans are likely to respond more favorably to that name than to a group calling itself Communist. While the various trials were in progress, little was heard from the CWP. The CWP has demonstrated a maxim of one of its heroes, Karl Marx. Its history has been a movement from tragedy to farce. The CWP regularly denounced its critics as misleaders, cowards and "scum." The CWP has done more than simply change its language, however. Party leader Jerry Tung has developed a new tactic for achieving power. He advocates entering the Democratic Party and the union movement with the goal of capturing several state governments and union treasuries.