This chapter explores and critiques several issues related to high-profile impact policing of quality-of-life offenses including imprecise definitions, corruption, police abuse and brutality, racism and discrimination, illegal “sweeps,” entrapment, enforcement strategies, enforcement impact, and depletion of resources. Critical issues have recently arisen concerning increased efforts on the part of police departments in major American cities to enforce rigorously quality-of-life offenses. Several cities have introduced a zero tolerance policy—rigorous police enforcement to relentlessly combat minor infractions in public places that involves a unique strategy. A “successful” mathematical ratio is virtually meaningless to victims, especially if incidents of police misconduct increase and are ever concentrated against specific ethnic groups and communities. Topics pertinent to police enforcement of quality-of-life offenses should be broadened to include research on similar issues relating to the criminal justice system. Strict enforcement of quality-of-life offenses tends to increase the quantity and seriousness of complaints regarding corruption, unnecessary force, and related expensive settlements and verdicts due to lawsuits.