Dr. Kurt Waldheim transmitted illegal orders resulting in criminal deportations of prisoners; and, of course, he had deceived his contemporaries in regard to his wartime service. And, like his political allies, he prefers to dwell upon the political origins of the affair that bears his name. Waldheim blames the Jews in the United States for his troubles. In fact, on 22 September, at 9:30 pm, Lt. Waldheim telephoned operations at Army Group Headquarters in Arsakli, reporting that the "deportation of the Italians from Attica and Boeotia has been concluded". Contrary to the packet cited by Professor Breitman, these documents depict Waldheim as a man working closely with Americans, on behalf of US interests. The documents cover a long period of time; they also show a peculiar American disinterest in Waldheim's incomplete and lacking military biography—which he had provided to the Americans in Vienna in the early 1950s.