This chapter defines intellectuals as a group of men who, whatever their field, take part in and contribute to general ideas and speculative thought. This group must be distinguished analytically, if not in concrete cases, from the many intelligent professional and academic men who serve the government. In the eyes of the young, the older generation of intellectuals has succeeded almost too well in dissecting and demolishing Communism and its fronts – and liberal hopefulness and trust also. The presence of intellectuals and academicians in the new administration, and its cosmopolitan style and dash, have helped persuade many liberals that they have access to power, that the country is once again in purposeful, intelligent hands, and that the fight– against the radical right doesn't need their energies. Emerging from the sordid and frightening distraction provided by Senator McCarthythough not by any means from all the legacies of his procedures and his view of the world– the intellectuals regained some confidence.