Palestinian society has undergone profound political and socioeconomic transformations during the occupation period. Prolonged interaction and confrontation with Israelis has had far-reaching implications on the value system of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have developed a profound conviction that the future of their economy is vested in entrepreneurship within a genuine market economy. The Center for Palestine Research and Studies (CPRS) was founded in March 1993 in order to address unmet needs in research relating to Palestine. The economics department addresses the urgent need to understand and evaluate Palestinian economic policies and exogenous factors bearing on economic development options in Palestine. CPRS has cultivated strong and multifaceted forms of interaction with Palestinian universities. Academics from the Palestinian community in Israel have proven to be particularly resourceful. The track record interaction with such institutions has provided CPRS's administration with immense experience that could be useful to think tanks.