Osmania University with Urdu as the medium of instruction was established in 1918. The education department of Hyderabad State used to conduct eligibility tests for special upper primary and middle schools. Vidyavachaspati Gunde Rao Harkare was an eminent scholar, a multilinguist, eminent critic and a multifaceted genius. Gunde Rao was educated in Persian and Arabic in his early years according to the custom of those days. In his later life Harkare was working on a teaching aid scheme called 'Sanskrit Grammar Made Easy'. This was in a technological form to benefit the students of Panini's Grammar. The translation is as effective as the original work. Gunde Rao Harkare has written prefaces to many works of eminent scholars in Sanskrit, Hindi, and Marathi. Prof. Ravva Srihari, Prof. M. Chennappa and other eminent scholars of Sanskrit, Telugu and Hindi were closely associated with Gunde Rao Harkare. The Sanskrit Academy, Osmania University arranged memorial lectures in honour of this versatile scholar.