Teacher education has gained an increasing international dimension due to globalisation and to the complexity of the educational challenges teachers have to face. As far as Europe is concerned, this tendency has been building since the late 1990s, in particular, because of the European Union’s education policies and their influence in teacher education research. There is now a general idea, shared by European policymakers and researchers, of the importance teacher education has in the support of a cohesive and inclusive Europe and in the development of a European identity and citizenship. Intensive Programmes, such as the HOWBET Summer School, funded under the ERASMUS Lifelong Learning Programme, might be considered pioneering examples to tackle this endeavour. This programme, coordinated by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) and implemented in July 2014, involved European Universities from eight different countries, 36 students from those universities, and 11 teachers. This chapter describes and discusses the HOWBET Summer School with respect to its rationale, implementation, and impact on participants. Finally, it highlights areas where actions are still needed for continuing to promote a European dimension in teacher education.