The close ties which determined the relationship of hagiography with hymnography in Byzantium are reflected in collocations such as ‘synaxarial verses’ or ‘hagiographical hymns’, coined by modern scholars in order to denote literary works with traits from both generic groups, destined for the liturgical offices. Phrases or verses from hymns quoted in a saint’s vita or a synaxarion usually presuppose a hymnographic influence. Karl Krumbacher himself hinted at this possibility and C. Giannelli, in a passing remark, suggested that a careful study of the sources used in synaxaria would show that hymns must be counted among them. Once Krumbacher’s inquiry into the question was taken over and redefined by later editors and students of Byzantine hymnography, other benefits of such a study came to light. Having pointed out the close relationship between hymnography and hagiography in terms of content, the chapter examines how the influence of hagiography also extends to form and rhetorical and stylistic devices.