Teachers are expected to integrate various forms of information and communications technology (ICT)/digital technologies into their work in the classroom and promote online safety. The statutory framework of the 2014 National Curriculum Computing Programmes of Study in England states that: ‘Pupils should be taught to develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in computer science, digital media and information technology’. Good subject teachers are already making good use of digital technology and are always looking out for new ways of using digital technologies to stimulate pupils and extend their learning. In 2015, online safety, previously ‘e-safety’, was included in Ofsted’s common inspection framework. Prior to this, in most secondary schools, it was taught predominantly by the computing teacher and occasionally by form tutors as part of an organised personal, social and health education programme. However, it is recognised as a safeguarding issue due to pupils being at risk of bullying, online grooming, sexual exploitation, being misled by fake news and radicalisation.