This chapter explores improvised jazz as pedagogy of improvisation through a mixed journey of artistic and musical articulations and philosophical positions. A broad, transdisciplinary position is taken, in the spirit of G. Deleuze and Guattari's writing in A Thousand Plateaus, which enables musical ideas to be seen as living threads with educational resonances. The chapter describes the concept of a pedagogy of improvisation is used to unsettle taken-for-granted, normalised and overcoded concepts of education that close down educative possibilities and differences. This pedagogy, in contrast, affirms a more transpersonal and material education that is sustained through a process that keeps the improvised refrain alive and enmeshed with difference. Pedagogy of improvisation offers hope in an educational climate that is riddled with coded forms of existence that work to close down the possibilities of rhizomatic openness. Educational spaces take on different forms and meanings when viewed through the lens of an expanded sense of music.