This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book reviews the specialist literature, an unprecedented analysis of the large-n data, qualitative exploration of key cases, interviews with experienced officials, and real-world simulations of new terrorist crises. It takes an evidence-based approach to define and describe this new terrorism. The book challenges some myths about terrorist behaviors, such as incorrect characterizations of recent terrorist hostage-taking as being effectively the same as old terrorist hostage-taking. It includes assessments, negotiations, and assaults in the full spectrum of potential responses. The book helps the official counterterrorist side to assess, negotiate, and assault terrorist hostage-takers, kidnappers, and active shooters. It identifies ways to manipulate the religious obligations and other obligations on terrorists not to harm detainees. The book focuses on terrorist hostage-takings, kidnappings, and active violence. The book extends to official responses with terrorists generally.