This chapter reviews the data and methods the authors used, the history of terrorism risks and the particular challenges of new terrorism. The Global Terrorism Database collects useful data on the types of terrorist behaviors, including hostage-taking, terrorist methods, which sometimes include details of the weapons and the number of attackers, the duration of events, the location of events, and the lethality of events. Compared to other pure risks, terrorism is an infrequent, dynamic, and uncertain behavior that does not reward trend analysts. Simulations are valuable for researchers of behaviors, such as terrorism, that are practically or ethically impossible to observe directly and replicably. New terrorists are motivated by their religious ideologies, murderousness, and suicidalism. Materially, new terrorists have more access to information and communication technologies that enable them to communicate easier with potential suppliers of weapons, information, or other capacities. Information and communication technologies can be used to publicize the event from the inside.