This chapter demonstrates that Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has played a significant role in British history, especially during the Second World War. During the Second World War, the Anglo-American intelligence relationship strengthened. Throughout the twentieth century, Western states have had a turbulent relationship with their respective intelligence agencies. In the wake of 9/11, Western states in particular pumped large sums of money into intelligence agencies, in particular GCHQ and the national security agency. Today, GCHQ faces a plethora of challenges and threats which seemingly threaten its existence on a daily basis. The increasing threat of cybersecurity within the UK has issued GCHQ with a new type of threat to Britain’s security. Private companies can now access data and intelligence gathered by GCHQ and other intelligence agencies, including data from social media. As GCHQ celebrates its centenary year, it is easy to overlook the achievements of GCHQ and its predecessor organisation.