Digging into the programmes for WEEC, there can be a distinct sense that the ‘more-than-human’ world could be a point of difference as much as critique to many other curriculum-related conferences outwith the field of environmental and cognate areas of education. Works that have proven seminal and germinal in curriculum studies and environmental education, have also helped elucidate key aspects of the temporary to perennial challenges of curriculum thinking and scholarship, framed by their authors and ‘conversation partners’. Most notably these are on how such work relates to the identity, grounding, trajectory, value and significance of environmental and sustainability education, for education in general, and curriculum studies in particular. Interlocking with these are matters of how such work in the Congress mostly speaks from and to—or perhaps, might accidentally or tactfully ignore—some of the intra- and inter-generational concerns of curriculum scholars, practitioners and developers, down the years.