This chapter discusses the health and sustainability benefits of entomophagy and describes edible insect gastronomy. It examines insect gastronomy from a cultural and anthropological perspective and explores entomophagy from a global perspective. The chapter presents edible insect examples across the globe in terms of special events, packaged foods, casual establishments, and high-end gastronomic operations. Gastronomy involves discovering, tasting, experiencing, researching, understanding, and writing about food preparation, and the sensory qualities of food. The gastronomic experiment was designed to see if children could be induced to unlearn their disgust at eating bugs, and found that many of the children accepted that the insects were not only tasty, but nutritious too. Perhaps some of the largest adopters of the edible insect movement are high-end gastronomic restaurants and chefs. Insects are increasingly an addition to fine dining menus, as well as a solution to feeding the planets increasing population.