This chapter discusses the psychosocial tasks present in national reconciliation efforts, and identifies opportunities to tackle individuals and groups in one present-day example of a practice of reconciliation—the forthcoming Colombian truth commission. The tasks include transforming social identities, healing the psychological damage, and reactivating social action and civic engagement. The chapter argues that if the Colombian truth commission looks beyond truth-seeking and truth-telling as the core objectives of the commission, it will have a greater likelihood of supporting the emotional healing of its participants and promoting the reconstruction of shattered political identities and projects. It also argues that transitional justice mechanisms have a potential to contribute to national reconciliation, and to coexistence. A psychosocial lens is useful for enhancing the reconciliatory potential of truth commissions. The Colombian truth commission could add value to national reconciliation if it offers opportunities for victims, perpetrators and society in general to safely confront the stereotypes, beliefs, and narratives that positively feed their social identities.