This chapter provides a review of optimal history and examination procedures for evaluating the infertile male. Gathering information about the patient's sexual and reproductive history is essential to evaluate possible infertility. The first step in obtaining a proper reproductive and sexual history is to determine how long the couple has been attempting to conceive. Kallmann syndrome is a type of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. It typically presents as absent or delayed puberty and the prevalence is approximately 1:8000 males. Various surgical procedures can negatively affect male fertility. The examining physician should inquire about a patient's past surgeries even if the surgery was unrelated to the genitourinary tract. Female patients should be questioned regarding prior pregnancies, miscarriages, and elective terminations. Surgical interventions involving the reproductive organs may increase a woman's risk of infertility. A comprehensive evaluation for male infertility should include both general and genital examinations to assess for symptoms associated with underlying causes of infertility.