Microscopic evaluation of male reproductive ability is the first male requirement to undergo assisted reproduction treatments, and the only accepted tool to estimate the fertility male potential is the basic sperm analysis as stated by the World Health Organization (2010). Male fertility is considered optimal when an adequate number of normal shape, motile, mature, and physiologically functional sperm are produced. Among molecular infertility markers, contradictory data have been found in the literature regarding the usefulness of sperm DNA integrity analysis. Microarrays and other innovative technologies are a wide range of new techniques that are used to unveil causes of infertility, for example, the Polscope and atomic force microscopy for the detailed study of sperm morphology and structure, and microfluidics that quickly isolates good morphology spermatozoa from poor-quality spermatozoa. Transcriptomics is the study of the mRNA pool expressed in a cell at a particular time under determined conditions. Gene ontology (GO) analysis has been used to provide structured knowledge.