The occurrence of Scrapie in sheep in the holdings of Great Britain is monitored in the Compulsory Scrapie Flocks Scheme which was established in 2004 and is summarizing abattoir survey, stock survey and the statutory reporting of clinical cases. Drug abuse has become a serious health problem for many countries including Thailand. Surveillance data on drug use are available for 61 health treatment centres in the Bangkok metropolitan region from the Office of the Narcotics Control Board. Using this data it was possible to reconstruct the counts of treatment episodes for each patient in the last quarter of 2001. A typical problem in wildlife ecology is estimating the size of a wildlife population. The benefit of Darroch's estimator is that it allows occasion- or source-specific identification probabilities. However, its restriction is that it assumes independence across occasions or sources. The assumption of independence across sources or occasions is often unrealistic, in particular in social and medical science applications.