Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses transmitted by mosquitoes. The disease causes illness in infants, children and adults. The clinical signs of dengue fever includes headache, exhaustion, fever, muscle pain and rash. The data considered were cases of laboratory confirmed dengue fever patients in the year 2013 in Chiang Mai province. Chiang Mai province includes the city of Chiang Mai as well as a large number of surrounding villages. In total there are 2,066 villages which belong to the Chiang Mai region. It is located in Northern Thailand bordering Myanmar, China and Laos. The climate is quite comfortable due to its mild temperatures throughout the year as it is slightly elevated and surrounded by mountains covered vastly by forests. The data on dengue fever were collected by the Chiang Mai Provincial Public Health Office. Data consists of patient ID, address, date of sickness, diagnostic date, hospital name where patients were diagnosed and patient gender.