This chapter provides the use of Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) for the fabrication of high-capacity Lithium-based battery (LiB) anodes. SiNWs are a realistic option for future anodes of Li-based batteries. It presents the basic functioning principle of Li-based batteries. The chapter explains the synthesis of SiNWs. Various approaches have been used to synthesize SiNW arrays, which can be categorized as growth or deposition methods on the one hand, and etching methods on the other hand. The most popular method is based on the vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) mechanism. VLS growth is usually performed in a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor under a flowing silicon-bearing gas. The chapter highlights the electrochemical interactions of Li with Si, with emphasis on SiNWs. It also presents various NW-based structures and discusses their advantages and drawbacks. The chapter overviews an industrial activity in the field of Si-based anodes/batteries, as well as by a few comments on future research and development directions.