Science and technology (S&T) is essential for ensuring the defense of Canada and represents a critical element of national security. As such, the S&T and the broader innovation system are indispensable capabilities that contribute to operational excellence and effective, evidence-based decision making. Within government, Big Data analytics enhances the organization's capability to make evidence-based decisions by providing greater visibility and transparency of the organization's impact profile by uncovering the hidden value of messy data within the defense, security, and safety domains. The Zachman Framework supports the messy data analysis as a model or classification schema that organizes descriptive representations. Big messy data analysis within the dynamic security landscape and supporting S&T problem framing and solution space call for reflective practices stemming from the Zachman and SNA analyses. Understanding collaboration networks, the focus on relations, and the patterns of relations requires a set of methods and analytic concepts that are distinct from the methods of traditional statistics and data analysis.