The informal economy at the border has given way to economic vibrancy, opening up opportunities for border communities after the Burmese regime adopted economic socialism in 1962. This chapter focuses on the activities of Shan traders on the Myanmar-Thai border, especially on their interaction with state authorities, which can result in proactive and reactive practices triggered by regulations on the trading of particular commodities. Exports to Thailand are banned due to the national policy that seeks to protect the domestic rice industry and its strong export activities. The higher cost of farming garlic in Thailand accounts for the higher prices when compared to garlic sourced from Shan State. Although rice and garlic are categorized as ‘specially regulated commodities’, traders on both sides attempt to bring Shan socio-cultural items into Thailand for reasons other than household consumption. Small-scale traders crossing through the checkpoint derived only a modest profit from the transaction, due to the long distance travelled over poor infrastructure.