IC1805 is a large emission nebula, mostly formed from ionized hydrogen plasma, powered by the radiation from the star cluster at its center, having said that, a search for "The Heart Nebula" in several planetariums and planning programs surprisingly draws a blank. Image exposure for narrowband images is subtly different to that with RGB filters. In common with the Crescent Nebula, ionized hydrogen dominates the image, and balancing the contribution of the three narrowband exposures is the challenge. A common issue arising in HST-palette images are magenta-fringed stars; an outcome of the unequal channel stretches. It required some novel techniques to make the most of the faint SII and OIII data; this is, after all, a false color image so long as the outcome is picturesque. Careful examination of the images revealed a few tell-tale colored haloes around the brightest star positions. These were cloned out using the Clone Stamp tool in PixInsight, blending them with the adjacent colors.