This chapter describes a therapeutic case utilizing Lifespan Integration (LI) for Anorexia Nervosa. LI therapy integrates understandings about body memory and treatment methods into an innovative therapeutic approach that directly targets neurophysiological processes through an implicit, body-based process. Informed by understandings about how trauma is stored in body-based neural networks, LI provides an embodied therapeutic method for facilitating eating disorder recovery. LI accesses the innate ability of the body-mind system to heal itself by combining active imagination, the juxtaposition of ego states in time, and a timeline of memories to facilitate neural integration and rapid healing. LI integrates the maladaptive hypo- or hyperarousal and allows their body and mind to release and reconsolidate old neural firing patterns. "Window of tolerance" is used broadly within the mental health community and is an important idea to keep in mind when using LI protocols.