This chapter begins with an explanation of the food regime theory and its different variations, then presents the notion of the commons food regime as a new kind of food regime, and proposes a holistic, interconnected, and intersectional idea of care as the core to construct and grow a transformative new food regime. Growing a care-based commons food regime responds to a call for a new food regime in 21st century. The concept of food regimes was first developed in 1980s, influenced by the French school of regulation theory as it applied to the non-agricultural economy. The chapter discusses challenges from anti-capitalist perspectives, which argue for a radical transformation as the existing system is untenable. From an anti-capitalist perspective, governing the commons becomes, in this sense, a conscious project of rebuilding human capacity. The notion of ‘growing a commons food regime’ aims to move from a passive conceptualisation to actively being engaged in the transformation of our current food regime.