This chapter considers feminism as constituted through relations between different subjects and identities, to challenge longstanding perceptions of the masculine/feminine binary as oppositional and hierarchical. The differentiating and active quality of matter opens up the space of the interval as an expansive site of discourse, materialising the interval as place-in-relation. Artworks explore the interval of sexual difference as a generative space and place of relations. Luce Irigaray's work develops the discourse on sexual difference by opening up the space of the interval as a space of ethical relations and a place of possibilities for practice. Irigaray's wide range of affirmations of the interval as expansive, generative, subjective, metaphoric, cosmic and material are useful for artists in their capacity as visual and spatial metaphors such as skin and mucous, the bridge, clearing and air, the angel, the lips, topologies of colour, containers and boundaries.