As a country, Malawians have always entertained themselves with jokes from various performers in both formal and informal settings. This chapter talks about the traditional engagement ceremonies in most parts of Malawi comprise a section where the groom is expected to identify his wife-to-be amongst a group of three to five girls covered with cloth from head to toe. Most of the comedians in Malawi conduct their work in a similar manner of adhering to the incongruity and superiority principles albeit unknowingly. Research in the domain of theatre in Malawi has dwelt on popular theatre and theatre for development. The research that has been conducted has dwelt on the general outlook of theatre in Malawi. The research methodology used is qualitative and involves inquiring into the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. It involves interpretive inquiry where the researcher made interpretations of the data in three DVDs of Anganga Afiki video series.