The goal of Navigating a Day with post-traumatic stress injury/disorder (PTSD) is for the couple to "let go" of negative interaction patterns and come together as a team to overcome challenges in their day-to-day relationship. The couple must effectively communicate and balance roles in order to move the horse/donkey through the obstacles without being pulled into unproductive, undesirable interactions and emotional states. Equine-assisted couples therapy is a potent modality that can help partners learn to stay present in the moment, regulate their affect and communicate more effectively, which leads to a deeper, more satisfying connection with each other. The couple participates in exercises that help deepen their awareness of negative relationship patterns and utilize skills that create positive connection with each other. For couples struggling to overcome the impact of PTSD, equine-assisted psychotherapy can be especially impactful due to the natural prey instincts of equines and their fight-or-flight nature.