Generic ethics is complex in the sense that it includes several conjugated disciplinary variables. Generic ethics thus has a privileged adversary, which is the "morality of mores". Combining the quantum as imaginary number and the generic as a passage to immanence, the ethical will cease to reflect mores or the morality of mores. A generic ethics of means is designed to replace formalism in ethics by a formal materiality, the phenomenology of the circuit of tools is replaced by a phenomenology taken to be a tool, desiring machines by machines of lived experience and generic machines. The fundamental ethical act is neither obedience to superposed values, nor the rational non-contradiction of my maxim taken as the universal law, but the fundamental ethical act is an act of disempowering. The dualities are one of the Means as effect and one of the Means as subject. It is the Means which will bear the continuity and unirection of generic causality.