Emotional intelligence (EI) positively contributes to one’s own well-being. With high levels of EI comes the ability to correctly perceive, understand, use, and regulate emotions in oneself and others. Whereas, low levels of EI is positively associated with several problematic or excessive consumption behaviors, such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and the overall adoption of unhealthy behaviors, such as excessive calorie intake and impulse buying. Individuals who score highly on EI Understanding are the ones who have a very rich emotional vocabulary and understand nuances and relationships among different emotions. EI moderates the relationship between behavioral procrastination and excessive online consumption such that low levels of EI will serve to increase the impact of behavioral procrastination on excessive online consumption. Most importantly, due to indispensability of the Internet, future studies should work to examine the relationship between healthy consumption patterns, different levels of EI, and online consumption.