Senior Researcher and Professor Emeritus Einar M. Skaalvik talks about a school system where it is becoming increasingly important to be at the top of the ladder. Academic progress that does not move the student up the ladder is, therefore, becoming less and less visible. And this weakens the motivation to improve. Students' motivation for schoolwork has become increasingly more important. The consequence is that students who have little motivation for schoolwork learn less and achieve at a lower level than their classmates. Mastery experiences require the student to make an effort in order to accomplish a task. The motivation crisis has also been caused by the fact that many students experience a lack of autonomy and influence in school, for instance that they are not given any choices at school. The TIL-model basically trains the students in self-regulation, which is done gradually. Observations indicate that the use of the TIL model seems to create a more motivating learning environment.