Various theories on motivation highlight specific dichotomised dimensions such as performance/learning, intrinsic/extrinsic, academic/social and so on. The five motivational orientations are developed on the basis of the young people's narratives about their motivation regarding school and learning and existing research literature and knowledge about what is central for young people's motivation. The five motivational orientations are: Knowledge motivation, mastery motivation, involvement motivation, performance motivation and, finally, relational motivation. Knowledge motivation is, thus, about reaching beyond them and being curious about the outside world; expanding their horizons and then trying to link knowledge to their own world. Even though some pupils have a strong orientation towards school and knowledge, there are also numerous examples of pupils who find it difficult to connect to different subjects or see the point of the knowledge they are supposed to acquire. One challenge is that the learning perspective in some of the more open and playful learning processes disappears for the students.